Two prominent Los Angeles AIDS
researchers are being investigated for taking
part in a controversial medical experiment with
Cincinnati physician Henry Heimlich to infect
AIDS patients in China with malaria.
A medical oversight board at the
University of California Los Angeles wants to
know whether doctors John Fahey and Najib Aziz
violated university policies that regulate
tests on humans.
The investigation once again raises
questions about Dr. Heimlich's work at
Cincinnati's nonprofit Heimlich Institute,
which is partnered with Deaconess Hospital.
experiments - which seek to destroy HIV,
the AIDS-causing virus, by inducing high
malarial fevers- have been criticized by
the Centers for Disease Control and the
Food and Drug Administration and condemned
by other health professionals and human
rights advocates as a medical "atrocity.''
..."I greatly appreciated all of the
data you shared with us on this visit," Dr.
Fahey wrote to Chen
Xiao Ping, the doctor overseeing the
experiments for Dr. Heimlich in China.
"I want to assure you that we regard this as
confidential information. My colleagues and I
will gladly help with the analysis but not share
it with others. You should report your result
directly to Dr. Heimlich."